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Éditions Scali published this futuristic novel by Thérèse Fournier in 2006. It presaged the events that were to unfold in the Muslim world: the Arab Spring, the rise of Islamic State, the recruitment of young people, worldwide terror campaigns. In 2016, Mirza Publishing produced a digital version so that everyone can appreciate its incredible visionary genius. 

Published for the first time in 2006, Therese Fournier’s science fiction novel predicted many of the events that took place in the Muslim world: Arab spring, the birth of an Islamic State, enlisting of youths, world terrorist campaigns…

As the book has long been out of stock in bookshops since its publication, the digital edition will allow the reader to appreciate its incredible visionary sense.

Buy the eBook on Amazon

Compatible with Kindle eReader and tablet, mobile and PC (Kindle application for Android, Samsung, Apple iOS, BlackBerry 10, Windows and Mac, and Windows 8).

Buy the eBook at Fnac

Compatible with Kobo eReader and tablet, mobile and PC (Kobo application for Android, Samsung, Apple iOS, BlackBerry 10, Windows and Mac, and Windows 8).

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